第 16 屆校友聚會 - (1976年入學)

2006年8月5日16屆校友畢業25周年敘會於母校舉行,重溫當日盛況(網上相簿)。 文章及資料提供 - 陳贊葉

Lau Keung, Patrick. graduated from SGSS in 1981 and stayed at SGSS for L6S and U6S. He was the Dragon House Captain in 1982 as well as a prefect too. These are the pictures he took in 1991 when he visited SGSS with his brother.

地址: 香港柴灣道42號筲箕灣官立中學
熱線: 8207 1961│傳真: 8207 1962
電郵: info@sgssaa.org.hk